| 1. | 3 evaluating parts cost change caused by ewo ( engineering working order ) . " 3审核工程更改造成的零件成本变化。 |
| 2. | The government cost changes along with and is up to the government ability 因此,如何控制政府成本已成为政府管理的重要内容。 |
| 3. | This illustrates a point : costs change frequently and vary domestically and internationally 这说明一点,费用频繁改变,随国内和国际而不同。 |
| 4. | 9 . in the effective date field , type the date on which the cost change will take effect . . 9 .在“生效日期”域中键入此成本更改生效的日期。 |
| 5. | Panzer elite flakvierling 38 cost changed from 340mp / 20fuel to 300mp / 35fuel 装甲精英空军战术的38型防空炮造价由340人力/ 20油料改为300人力/ 35油料。 |
| 6. | Enter one per - use cost for a material resource if you do n ' t want to incorporate future cost changes 如果您不考虑未来成本的更改,可为材料资源输入一项每次使用成本。 |
| 7. | The regular pattern of daily medicine cost change showed that medicine cost control should be emphasized on the medicine use in perioperative period . 2 各系统手术平均日药费随住院时间变化的规律性,提示手术病人药品费用的控制重点在于围手术期用药。 |
| 8. | For example , if you have included a spreadsheet about costs as an object in your project file , you ' ll want to edit the spreadsheet data whenever costs change 譬如,如果项目文件中有一个关于成本的电子表格对象,则成本变化时就需要编辑电子表格数据。 |
| 9. | Enter one rate for a material resource if you plan to use the same grade of material throughout the project and you do n ' t need to incorporate future cost changes 如果您打算在项目进行期间使用同一等级的材料而且不考虑未来的成本更改,则可为此材料输入一个费率。 |
| 10. | The distribution and regular pattern of daily medicine cost change of non - operation inpatients 80 % of daily medicine cost were less than 100 yuan , but the sum was just 16 . 3 % of total medicine cost 非手术住院病人日药品费用的分布及变化规律80以上的日药费在100元以下,其药费合计仅占总药费的16 3 。 |